The Justia Lawyer Rating and Reviews system is intended to give consumers and attorneys a useful metric by which to evaluate and compare lawyers before deciding to hire or associate with them. The Justia Lawyer Rating and Reviews provide valuable insight from peers and colleagues personally familiar with the lawyer’s work. By quantifying this insight into a score between 1 and 10 based on reviews by other lawyers, we hope to add a level of ease and transparency to the process of finding a lawyer who may be a good fit for your needs.
STEP 1: The Attorney must be nominated by the Institute, Client, and/or Peer.
STEP 2: Our review committee researches the Attorney for the below criteria narrowing the nominations down to ensure that all the above criteria is met or exceeded.
Many aspects of the Attorney and his/her career are considered including:
STEP 3: The list of the "10 Best" nominations goes to the final selection process where the 10 Best Attorneys representing the Best of the Best are selected.