Garfield Dwi Defense Attorneys

The Aretsky Law Group is an experienced law firm providing DWI legal representation in Garfield, New Jersey. We are committed to protecting your rights and your reputation in all types of DUI and DWI cases. In hiring one of our Garfield DWI lawyers you should feel confident that you have a dedicated, experienced advocate on your side who understands the complexities of DWI laws and knows how to navigate the legal system effectively. We have a proven track record of defending clients facing DWI charges, utilizing tailored strategies to challenge evidence, reduce penalties, or even dismiss charges altogether. Between our in-depth knowledge of New Jersey’s DWI laws and our aggressive approach to defense, our Garfield DWI defense lawyers are committed to providing personalized attention to your case and minimizing the impact on your life.

“Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over”

In 2021 the National Highway Traffic Safety and Administration reported that roughly 37 people die each day in DUI related accidents in the United States. From 2020 to 2021, there was a 14% increase in the number of these tragic car accidents. That year, in New Jersey, 22% of the motor vehicle accidents resulting in death were alcohol related. In order to crack down on drivers impaired by alcohol or drugs, in 2020 and the years going forward, Garfield law enforcement officials began partaking in a statewide campaign to combat the increasing number of alcohol-related motor vehicle fatalities called, “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.” The campaign aims to educate people about the consequences of driving under the influence.

Alcohol and Driving Safety

Alcohol affects the brain by diminishing its function, leading to impaired judgment, slowed reasoning, and reduced muscle coordination, which are all crucial faculties for safely operating a vehicle. Alcohol is quickly absorbed through the stomach and small intestine, entering the bloodstream and accumulating there until the liver processes it. BAC, aka Blood Alcohol Concentration measures the amount of alcohol in your blood. The faster your drink, the longer it takes for your liver to process the alcohol and so the higher the BAC. Other factors also come in to play with your BAC level, such as your weight, how much food you’ve eaten, your age, and the amount you’ve drank. What does not impact your BAC is your tolerance to alcohol. Just because you might not feel the same effects of alcohol drinking the same amount you are used to drinking does NOT mean your BAC is lower.

As your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) increases, it affects both your physical and mental faculties in distinct ways. With a BAC of 0.0%, there’s no alcohol in your bloodstream, and you are completely sober. At 0.02%, you might start to feel a slight shift in mood, a sense of relaxation, and mild impairment of judgment. However, by the time your BAC reaches 0.05%, you may experience a loss of inhibition, lowered alertness, and further impaired judgment.

When your BAC hits 0.08%, the legal threshold for intoxication in most states it becomes harder to recognize danger, with impaired reasoning and judgment. The risk of a crash rises significantly. Nevertheless, even small amounts of alcohol can impair driving.

DUI/DWI Protocols

BAC levels are typically measured using a breathalyzer, which tests the alcohol in a person's breath, or through a blood test. When law enforcement officers suspect a driver of being under the influence, they can pull him or her over. They may then administer field sobriety tests or request a breathalyzer to check the driver’s Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). If the driver fails these tests or refuses to comply, he/she may be arrested and taken into custody. Once charged with a DWI/DUI, the driver must appear in court, where the prosecution will present evidence, such as results from the sobriety tests, breathalyzer readings, and other relevant details.

Defending a DWI charge in Garfield, New Jersey involves carefully analyzing the circumstances surrounding your arrest and challenging the evidence presented by the prosecution. Therefore it is in your best interest to have an attorney on your side who can review whether law enforcement had proper cause to even initiate the traffic stop and whether the field sobriety tests or breathalyzer were administered correctly. In some cases, breathalyzer results can be inaccurate due to improper calibration or operator error. Additionally, a DWI lawyer will explore whether your rights were violated during the arrest process. By scrutinizing every detail, a lawyer can identify weaknesses in the prosecution's case, potentially leading to reduced charges, dismissal, or alternative sentencing options, ensuring the best possible outcome for you.

Call Us Today to Schedule a Free Consultation 201-580-3411.

You should not have to handle DWI charges on your own. At the Aretsky Law Group, our skilled DWI attorneys are committed to vigorously defending you and your DWI charges in Garfield, New Jersey. If you’ve been accused of a DWI, we bring our extensive knowledge and expertise of the law to your case, ensuring that you are receiving the strongest defense available.

Client Reviews
I highly recommend Eric Aretsky. He got me $500,000.00 for significant injuries that I received when my car was crushed by a truck on Route 80. This firm took care of everything for me. Bruce P.
They made this nerve racking experience very easy for me. Made me aware of every email send to court. I am very pleased and grateful. Mari L.